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Upon this tree I leave my mark
Words of wisdom
Look carefully and you will see
Spiritual messages to set you free
The Tree of Life is truth and love
All branches reach to the skies above
To my own self I must be true
As one branch, I am part of you
I am connected to the whole
My mind, my body and my soul
Of the tree of life, I am a part
To learn and grow with an open heart
The Tree of life is kind yet strong
There is no doubt I do belong
Roots tunnel deep into the earth
Waiting silently for new birth
My branch snaps off, they call it sad
But for many blessings I am so glad
When my physical body is dead and gone
My spirit continues to live on
Don’t mourn my friends, for too long
Through rustling leaves you will hear a song
To the ground, my leaves do fall
These gifts of love, I give to all